January 21, 2020
Advisor Forum accepting Charlie Award nominations
Submitted by Katelin Christianer-Donkers
Do you know an advisor who is doing a great job? Nominate them for a Charlie Award, sponsored by the Advisor Forum.
The award is named for Charlie Nutt, executive director at NACADA, who has spent a large part of his career advocating and promoting the advising profession. The award is available to any advisor at K-State who has made an impact on advising, done a stellar job of helping students, found a new method that makes all of our lives easier, and/or has been awesome at their job.
The process for nominating is simple. Follow this link to a short form and answer a few questions. Once your nomination is complete, it will remain an active nomination for one full academic year. One award will be given out at the beginning of each month.
The Advisor Forum Social Chair Committee will make the decision and deliver awards. If you have questions about this award, please contact Beth Stuewe, Advisor Forum co-social chair, at bas9995@k-state.edu.
The Advisor Forum looks forward to recognizing many more Advisors this year.