January 15, 2013
Urban Water Institute to interview candidates, campus encouraged to attend Friday presentations
The Urban Water Institute will be interviewing two candidates, Joan Leavens and Shari Wilson, for the position of program coordinator Jan. 17 at the Olathe campus and Jan. 18 at the Manhattan campus.
The candidates will present seminars Friday discussing the major urban water issues in the region. Leavens' seminar will be from 9:45-11 a.m. and Wilson's will be from 2:45-4 p.m. The seminars will be in 134C Seaton Hall on the Manhattan campus. Faculty, staff and interested students are invited to attend the public presentations. For those unable to attend in person, the presentations will be archived for viewing next week.
More information about the position and candidates can be found at http://olathe.k-state.edu/people/urban-water-candidates.html.
The K-State Urban Water Institute brings together industry, researchers, policymakers, advocates and educators to identify and develop solutions for complex cross-disciplinary and cross-boundary concerns related to urban water sustainability. The institute facilitates industry- and agency-identified research, development and implementation of water-related projects by engaging teams of practitioners, researchers, educators and students across Kansas and the 4-state region.
The mission of the Urban Water Institute is to promote treatment technologies, management approaches and public policy that support sustainable water use in urban and urbanizing communities. Institute activities focus on creating lasting positive impacts in urban environments through urban water resource development and water quality improvement. The institute accomplishes its mission through research and development, education and training, technology transfer, outreach and service to society.