July 9, 2020
Understanding Ethical Responsibilities of Supervisors offered virtually July 16
Submitted by Human Capital Services - Learning & Development
This summer, in lieu of the full K-State Supervisory Foundations Pillar I program, individual condensed sessions will be available. The condensed session of Understanding Ethical Responsibilities of Supervisor will be offered from 9-10 a.m Thursday, July 16, via Zoom.
This session is designed to introduce participants to ethical situations supervisors may encounter in the workplace.
As a result of this session, participants will identify the ethical situations that may present themselves to supervisors.
You must be a current supervisor of university support staff or unclassified professionals to attend this session.
To register for this session, you can either sign up through HRIS Self-Service or send an email to Megan Eakin at learning-develop-hr@k-state.edu. When sending an email, please include your name, employee ID, course title, and course number, KSF104.