February 13, 2013
Highlights from Feb. 6 Classified Senate meeting
Here are the highlights from the Feb. 6 Classified Senate meeting. A draft of the minutes is available at http://www.k-state.edu/class-senate/minutes/Feb13.pdf.
President Dale Billam and Gary Leitnaker welcomed guests attending our open house.
Cheryl Grice from the Division of Human Resources was our featured speaker. She presented a summary of the research she worked on for her doctoral degree titled "Diversity Awareness Perceptions among Classified Staff at a Large Midwestern Land Grant University."
Gary Leitnaker reported that work continues on campus guidelines for the Employee Suggestion Program and hopes the guidelines will be ready in March.
Dale Billam reported that the Kansas Board of Regents is asking for a 1 percent raise for all employees, but that is not in the governor's budget proposals.
Six members of Classified Senate attended Day on the Hill on Jan. 30 and presented the CSSC position paper to various state legislators. Most legislators were receptive to us, and many didn't realize classified employees have received no raises in five years. Dale Billam and the other classified senate presidents from the Board of Regents universities met with Gov. Brownback as well that day.
Each Classified Senate standing committee gave a brief synopsis of the work they do to inform our open house guests of their purpose.
Mike Ashcraft reported that recycling has been conducting a two-week trial regarding single stream recycling. Work is being done to revamp the information that would be distributed to explain the new system.
Janice Taggart, Senate vice-president, represented Classified Senate at the MLK wreath laying ceremony on Feb. 1.
Lesa Reves and Janice Taggart reported that nomination forms for Senate vacancies have been sent out and are due back by Feb. 22. Elections will be March 1-15.
Terri Wyrick reported that facilities will be getting a new computer system, Asset Works. It will take six to nine months to install and implement, and they will be using dual systems for a while.