December 8, 2020
Reminder: Voluntary asymptomatic testing available for faculty and staff
Submitted by Lafene Health Center
Kansas State University faculty and staff can now complete voluntary asymptomatic testing at no cost at Lafene Health Center through the end of December.
The asymptomatic clinic is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Monday through Friday. Appointments are required and can be made on the myLafene+ patient portal or by calling 785-532-6544. The asymptomatic testing clinic is located on the lower level of Lafene Health Center at the southwest building entrance.
The test is a 10-second self-administered nasal swab test. This is not the deep swab but is a more comfortable and quick testing method that is still very accurate. The average testing turnaround time is two to three business days depending on lab capacity.
Lafene Health Center continues to offer voluntary asymptomatic testing for students.
An asymptomatic carrier is someone who has contracted COVID-19 but shows no symptoms throughout the course of the virus. Asymptomatic carriers can unknowingly infect others and spread the virus. This makes finding asymptomatic carriers critical to slowing COVID-19 because asymptomatic testing helps mitigate the spread of the virus through early detection.
Testing is the most effective way to know your COVID-19 status. Individuals — including students, faculty and staff — who have symptoms or who have been identified as a close contact of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 should call Lafene Health Center at 785-532-6544 to schedule an appointment. It is vital that all symptomatic persons and close contacts follow Lafene Health Center or their primary health care providers’ instructions to help stop the spread of COVID-19.