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  4. »Business Expansion and Retention Programs for Kansas Businesses

KSRE Tuesday Letter

March 2, 2021

Business Expansion and Retention Programs for Kansas Businesses

Submitted by Nancy Daniels

First Friday e-Call

On Friday, March 5, the First Friday e-Call features Kansas Department of Commerce programs and incentives for in-state business expansion and retention. Craig VanWey, Program Manager, is our speaker. The Zoom call is 9:30-10:30 a.m. CT.

Participants are encouraged to bring their own program information to share after the speaker has concluded. The call is open to the public; please share this information with anyone who would benefit.

A one-time registration is required to receive the Zoom information. Once you register, please put the item into your calendar. If you don’t get the confirmation, please check your spam filter. The confirmation comes from Nancy Daniels <no-reply@zoom.us>.

The purpose of the First Friday e-calls is to increase the local community's knowledge about the experts, education and economic resources available to help small businesses and entrepreneurs and the towns that love them. All calls are recorded and posted on our First Friday archive.

If you have questions, contact Nancy Daniels at nkdaniels@ksu.edu.