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  4. »4-H Camp at Rock Springs Ranch 2021

KSRE Tuesday Letter

March 2, 2021

4-H Camp at Rock Springs Ranch 2021

Submitted by Amy Sollock

We are excited to announce that we will have 4-H camp at Rock Springs in 2021! The Department of 4-H Youth Development and Rock Springs Ranch is working with K-State’s Office of Risk and Compliance to follow safety measures as outlined by the CDC and ACA (American Camping Association), as well as guidelines in place by health officials in Dickinson County. Details about capacity, registration, and wait lists will be shared with camp chairs on March 9. Please encourage families to attend camp, and reassure them that registration will open soon. Stay tuned for more information to follow in the weeks ahead.

Amy Sollock, Southwest Region 4-H Youth Development Specialist
Wade Weber, State 4-H Program Leader
Jim Wheaton, Executive Director, Rock Springs Ranch
Jake Worcester, President & CEO, Kansas 4-H Foundation