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  4. »New electronic theses, dissertations and reports videos for Word for Mac 2011 users

K-State Today

March 4, 2013

New electronic theses, dissertations and reports videos for Word for Mac 2011 users

Submitted by Marty Courtois

The Information Technology Assistance Center has produced three new videos for graduate students using Word for Mac 2011 to write their electronic theses, dissertations or reports, or ETDR. These 2-3 minute videos focus on using the electronic theses, dissertations or reports template and illustrate how to do specific operations in Word. 

The following videos are available for Word for Mac 2011 users:

The template is built around a feature in Word called "styles." Styles make it much easier to format a long document and make possible features such as automatically creating a table of contents. These videos give a quick introduction to using the template and working with styles, which can save you time and frustration as you format your electronic theses, dissertations or reports.

Additional videos and written documentation for other Word versions can be found in the Using Word section on the electronic theses, dissertations or reports website.

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