October 4, 2021
Institute of Transportation Engineers student chapter hosts expert in intelligent transportations systems
The K-State Institute of Transportation Engineers student chapter, a registered departmental student organization, will host an expert in intelligent transportation system.
Matt Volz, a senior engineer with HDR Inc., Kansas City, Missouri, and expert in advancing new operational concepts and managing technical, multifaceted transportation projects in the United States and internationally, will speak at the K-State ITE seminar at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 5, in 1066 Rathbone Hall. RSVP is needed to trishab8@k-state.edu.
Advised by civil engineering assistant professor HM Abdul Aziz, the K-State ITE chapter has become an award-winning organization of students with interest in the broad area of transportation.
Volz will discuss transportation systems management and operations, or TSMO, planning and strategies, and the role it is playing in the surface transportation sector. TSMO covers a large swath of strategies from low tech to high tech and those strategies are used to optimize the transportation system reliability, safety and efficiency.