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K-State Today

October 18, 2021

NACADA cited in nation's premier source for education research

Submitted by Patrice Scott

Effective Advising for Postsecondary Students

Research conducted by NACADA: The Global Association for Academic Advising has been cited in the U.S. Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences' new practice guide for faculty, staff and administrators at public and private colleges, universities and technical colleges. NACADA is hosted by the College of Education.   

"Effective Advising for Postsecondary Students" outlines evidenced-based recommendations for advisors and institutional leaders and is available free on the What Works Clearinghouse website. The Institute of Education Sciences is the nation's leading source for independent education research.   

"There are innumerable pressure points on higher education institutions and students right now," said Melinda Anderson, NACADA executive director. "Our research offers data-driven strategies that impact student success, and we are excited that NACADA's scholarly work has made important contributions to this incredible resource."  

In addition to the practice guide, registration is open for a Nov. 16 webinar featuring practice guide panelists.  

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