March 29, 2013
Go Teacher program receives exceptional noncredit program award
The Go Teacher scholarship program coordinated by Kansas State University received the 2013 Exceptional Noncredit Program Award at the Association for Continuing Higher Education’s Great Plains region conference, March 7-8 in Manhattan.
Go Teacher is a scholarship program developed to enhance the English proficiency of teachers in Ecuador and provide them with instruction to improve teaching effectiveness in teaching English as a second language, or TESL, methodologies. In addition, Go Teacher scholars experience the culture of the language.
The program is funded by the government of Ecuador and is a partnership between Kansas State University, Ecuador’s Ministry of Education and the National Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, or SENESCYT, Ecuador’s governing body of higher education.
Nearly 90 Ecuadorian scholars attended the first Go Teacher program cycle in summer 2012, 59 scholars are completing the second cycle from August 2012 to May 2013, and 106 scholars comprise the third cohort of the program, which began this Janurary. K-State recently partnered with the University of Kentucky, New Mexico State University and Valparaiso University to expand the program by offering Go Teacher in other regions and institutions, with K-State continuing to oversee the program.
Learn more about the program by contacting Kendra Kirk, program coordinator, at or 785-532-2899, or visit the Go Teacher website.