March 29, 2013
2013 Faculty and Unclassified Professionals Retiree Ceremony April 16
Faculty Senate invites everyone to attend the 2013 Faculty and Unclassified Professionals Retiree Ceremony at 4 p.m. Tuesday, April 16, at the Alumni Center. This is a time to recognize, honor, and celebrate those individuals who have contributed to the success of Kansas State University during their careers here.
The following individuals are on the program this year:
College of Agriculture
- Michael Dikeman, animal sciences and industry
- Fred Fairchild, grain science and industry
- Terry Gugle, animal sciences and industry
- William Heer, agronomy
- Ronald Madl, grain science and industry
- William Rust, agronomy
- Dallas Seifers, Hays
College of Arts and Sciences
- Robert Corum, modern languages
- Jack Cully, biology
- Ronald Downey, psychology
- Jonathan Holden, English
- Glennis Kaufman, biology
- Kenneth Klabunde, chemistry
- Krishna Tummala, political science
College of Business Administration
- Yar Ebadi, dean of the College of Business Administration
College of Education
- Janice Wissman, curriculum and instruction
- Linda Rawdon, Center for Student and Professional Services
College of Engineering
- Darrell Oard, biological and agricultural engineering
- Richard Nelson, chemical engineering
General Administration
- William “Bill” Arck Jr, counseling services
- Lora Boyer, education and personal development
- Anthony Donnelly, information technology services
- Shu-Mei Lin, information systems office
- Barry Michie, international programs
- Ladonna Piper, Beach Museum of Art
- Barbara Newhouse, continuing education
- Harvard Townsend, information technology services
- Elizabeth Unger, information technology services
- Larry Zentz, public safety
- Lannie Zweimiller, Lafene Health Center
Research and Extension
- Ben Allen, country agent, SE Sector
- Steve Ballou, communications and agricultural education
- Dennis Elbrader, county agent, SE Sector
- Dale Ladd, extension agent, McPherson County
- Mary Lou Odle, county agent, Metropolitan Sector
- Joann Paschal, county agent, NW Sector
- Nancy Peterson, communications and agricultural education
- Carol Scheer, extension nutrition program
- Jan St. Clair, extension agent, Comanche County
- John Stannard, county agent, NW Sector
- Dean Stites, county agent, SE Sector
- Kathleen Ward, communications and agricultural education
Technology and Aviation, K-State Salina
- Michael Wise, Salina aviation
College of Veterinary Medicine
- Walter Cash, anatomy and physiology
- Patricia Sue Chavey, veterinary diagnostic lab
- Carol Wyatt, diagnostic medicine and pathobiology