April 11, 2013
Renowned speaker addresses LGBT student success for Chester E. Peters Lecture on April 18
The student committee that selects the topic and speaker for the College of Education’s annual Chester E. Peters Lecture Series has chosen Kristen A. Renn, professor of higher, adult and lifelong education at Michigan State University.
Renn will speak at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, April 18, in Forum Hall in the K-State Student Union. The title of her presentation is “Supporting All Students: Strategies for LGBT Student Success.” The presentation is free and open to the public.
Maggie Roque, graduate student in special education, counseling and student affairs and member of the lecture series’ planning committee, said this issue is particularly timely since the nation is discussing LGBT issues. She believes having a renowned scholar weigh in on LGBT student success in higher education will be of value for K-State’s faculty, students and staff.
“So often a university’s efforts for promoting LGBT student success remains conceptual, rather than strategic and applicable, and this lecture moves beyond concepts,” Roque said. “We chose this topic because of the high interest, relevance and need for education. Once the topic was chosen, Dr. Renn became the logical choice as speaker because of her academic credentials and research interests.”
Renn is associate editor for international research scholarship for the Journal of College Student Development, and is a member of the governing board of the ACPA-College Student Educators International. She also is chair for the 2013 AERA annual meeting.