April 30, 2013
Latinas panel on transnational feminisms
Submitted by Gabriela Diaz de Sabates
The women’s studies department, with the support of the philosophy department, the American ethnic studies program, the office of international programs and Alianza, K-State's faculty and staff alliance for Latino affairs, is sponsoring "Theorizing from the periphery: Latinas’ transnational dialogues" from 1-2:30 p.m. today in Room 226 at the K-State Student Union.
The featured panelists are Diana Pérez, philosophy professor at the University of Buenos Aires and president of Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Filosófico; and Nicole Guidotti-Hernández, American ethnic studies associate professor at the University of Texas at Austin and director of the Center for Mexican-American Studies.
Pérez and Guidotti-Hernández will discuss the benefits and limitations of national location and transborder feminist intellectual collaborations.
Pérez will present "What it is like to be … a Latin-American woman doing philosophy."
Guidotti-Hernández will present "The dialogue that sometimes is not: Chicana and Mexican feminists on globalization, race and gender violence."
This panel is free and open to the public.