May 28, 2013
See spring wildflowers at Konza Prairie June 2
See wildflowers galore at Konza Prairie.
Each spring wildflowers bloom on the prairie. The Kansas Flint Hills in the tallgrass prairie are home to hundreds of species of native flowers and now is the perfect time to get outdoors and enjoy the show.
On Sunday, June 2, the Konza Prairie Biological Station offers the opportunity to walk among the flowers and discover the natural beauty of the Flint Hills. The annual Friends of Konza Prairie Wildflower Walk will be from 6:30-9 p.m. along the Butterfly Hill Trail at Konza Headquarters. Guided tours of this 1.2-mile trail — an area not often open to the public — will be offered by reservation.
"A walk through the prairie in June offers green vistas and may include a beautiful sunset," says Jill Haukos, education director for the Konza Environmental Education Program. "Our expert guides can answer your questions and identify prairie plants for you."
Come purchase your own Konza Prairie T-shirt, hat, or poster while visiting the historic Konza stone barn.
Cost for the guided tour is $10 per person, with proceeds going to support the Konza Environmental Education Program. The tour is free to members of the Friends of the Konza Prairie. Enjoy all the benefits of membership in Friends of the Konza Prairie by becoming a member at the Wildflower Walk and enter free.
For more information, visit the Konza Environmental Education Program event Web page or send an email to