February 1, 2024
Teaching and Learning Center welcomes new staff
The Teaching and Learning Center welcomes Andie Faber as the New Faculty Institute coordinator and Rachel Levitt as the faculty mentoring coordinator.
Faber creates and leads events that help new faculty members feel they belong at K-State through personal and professional networks. This is a key program to help new faculty learn about K-State and develop foundations for their success. Faber has been at K-State since 2019 and is an assistant professor of Spanish in the modern languages department. Faber can be reached at afaber@k-state.edu.
Levitt will work with Teaching and Learning Center leadership to design and implement a university mentoring program. Levitt has been at K-State since 2017 and serves as a teaching associate professor in the social transformation studies department. Levitt can be reached at levitt@k-state.edu.
For more information about the staff at the Teaching and Learning Center, visit the website.