June 3, 2024
CEEZAD/CEZID presents special seminar with Professor Frederic Tripet
Submitted by Christine Huncovsky
The COBRE Center on Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, or CEZID, and the Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases, or CEEZAD, is hosting Professor Frederic Tripet in a special seminar presentation for CEZID and CEEZAD at 3 p.m. Tuesday, June 4, in Room P223 on the second floor of Mosier Hall. The seminar will also be available via Zoom.
Tripet will present, "Phased field release studies of genetically modified self-limiting and self-sustaining malaria mosquito strains in Africa."
Tripet is a medical and molecular entomologist based at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute. His research partnerships focus on the applied ecology, behavior and population genetics of mosquitoes that transmit human pathogens, such as malaria and dengue, with a view on developing novel tools for their control.
He is the former director of the Centre for Applied Entomology and Parasitology, Keele University, and former field entomology coordinator of the Target Malaria consortium. He currently acts as senior advisor and field entomology coordinator of Transmission Zero, an international research program funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation aiming to interrupt malaria transmission in Africa through mosquito genetic population modifications.
The CEZID seminar series is organized within the diagnostic medicine and pathobiology department in the College of Veterinary Medicine and is hosted by CEZID director, Juergen Richt.