June 22, 2011
Youth camp provides opportunity for athletic conditioning and participation in research
K-State CrossFit is currently offering a youth elite performance conditioning camp this month and again in July. The camp is supported by the Functional Intensity Training Lab in the department of kinesiology. It provides young athletes the chance to experience science-based coaching on exercise techniques and conditioning as well as the chance to participate in a research study.
The camp is run by Katie Heinrich, assistant professor of kinesiology; Bryan Heinrich, CrossFit program director; Christian Larson, instructor of kinesiology; Pratik Patel, master's student in kinesiology and dietitian; Brian Sanborn, master's student in kinesiology; Jennifer Lanzer, junior in kinesiology; Leticha Peyton, senior in kinesiology; and Nick Fehl, junior in life sciences.
Camp sessions are Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8-8:45am for incoming fifth and sixth graders or 9-9:45am for incoming seventh and eighth graders. Next month’s camp will begin on Tuesday, July 5, with a make-up day on Saturday, July 23. Spots are limited to 15 youths per session. Cost is $120 or $200 for siblings.
Youth participants receive highly-trained, science-based coaching on exercise techniques and conditioning and the opportunity to participate in a research study approved by the Kansas State University Institutional Review Board. Training includes:
· Introduction to strength training movements
· Jumping and plyometrics
· Speed and agility training
· Balance, accuracy, and coordination skills
· Body weight and basic gymnastics skills
· Scientifically-valid, individualized assessments
The camp is structured so that participating athletes will develop an understanding of their current athletic abilities and learn areas for improvement most relevant to their sport(s). Athletes will be challenged physically and mentally, requirements for not only athletic performance, but also for life. Only highly motivated youth should participate.
To enroll your athlete in the camp, contact Christian Larson at 785-341-2375. For questions about the research aspects of the camp, please contact Katie Heinrich.