September 12, 2013
Kansas Unmanned Systems Conference early bird registration deadline is Sept. 16
The Kansas Unmanned Systems Conference will be Oct. 14-16. Early bird registration deadline is Sept. 16. Seating is limited. Don't miss out, register or find out more information today.
The conference is intended to be an action oriented venue aimed at identifying and discussing critical challenges and opportunities that are evidenced in the emerging unmanned systems industry at the local, regional, state, national and international levels. This conference will provide an interactive and experiential agenda with topics to include airspace, policy, applications and industry perspectives.
Below is a brief overview of what's going on at the conference:
Day 1: Poster sessions and exhibits at a social mixer meet and greet with state, national and international colleagues from government, industry and academia.
Day 2: Filled with an array of presentations, discussions and breakout sessions. Speakers include Major Gen. Lee Tafanelli, Office of the Adjutant General, Kansas; Michael Toscano, president and CEO of Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International; and Randy Willis, Federal Aviation Administration.
Day 3: Round-table discussions, supported by facilitators who will help each group develop and deliver results from group sessions.
The goal of the conference is to understand key U.S. and international grand challenges in autonomous and aviation systems research, development, and integration through focused efforts from Kansas government, academic institutions and industry partners.