April 1, 2014
Social theorist to offer public lecture on modernity
Harry Dahms, associate professor of sociology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, will discuss his current research in "Modern Society as Artifice" from 7:30-9 p.m. Thursday, April 3, in 123 Leadership Studies Building.
Dahms' talk is sponsored by the sociology, anthropology and social work department and is free and open to the public.
Dahms is the editor of the research annual "Current Perspectives in Social Theory" book series and is most widely known for his studies of such diverse figures as Theodor Adorno, Joseph Schumpeter, Max Weber and Lester Ward, as well as such issues as guaranteed basic income, globalization, alienation and critical theories of society.
At the invitation of Gerad Middendorf, Dahms also will meet with K-State graduate students, many of whom are currently immersed in the study of classical and contemporary social theory.