January 30, 2012
Edupunk Jim Groom to discuss learning and technology Friday
The educator who coined the term edupunk -- teaching and learning with a do-it-yourself attitude -- is coming to Kansas State University to discuss his use of digital tools to improve learning.
Jim Groom's presentation will be at 1:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 3, in the Town Hall Room at the Leadership Studies Building. The presentation is free and open to all.
"As a popular blogger, tweeter and speaker, Jim Groom is somewhere near the center of the vast network of thoughtful educators and technologists exploring and experimenting with new ways to leverage digital tools for learning in higher education," said Michael Wesch, associate professor of cultural anthropology. "Many people in the field simply call him 'The Reverend.'"
Wesch is bringing Groom to K-State as part of his activities as the university's 2011-2012 Coffman chair for distinguished teaching scholars.
"Jim has always been years ahead of the curve, and is one of the main reasons for the widely envied success of the University of Mary Washington blogging platform and the rich culture of learning and technology culture that is present on that campus," Wesch said. "Joe McMahon once said of him, perhaps only half jokingly, 'Generations from now, they won't call it the Internet anymore. They'll just say, "I logged on to the Jim Groom this morning.'"