March 14, 2012
Students invited to attend K-State Leadership Seminar Thursday
Leadership for today's challenges is the focus of the 16th annual K-State Leadership Seminar, "Leading in Extraordinary Times," from 8:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Thursday, at the K-State Student Union.
All students are invited to attend the morning and afternoon sessions free of charge. If students wish to participate in the luncheon and refreshments, they will need to register.
Keynote speaker for the Manhattan seminar is Magistrate Judge Tommy Webb of Kansas, who will present his incredible personal story of going from a Korean street orphan to becoming a judge in Kansas. Judge Webb's remarks will set the stage for focused sessions on specific skills that leaders can use, such as decision-making, systems thinking, and planning and preparation.
Leaders can be asked to address situations of many types. Some situations will need an immediate response, requiring quick and effective decision-making. Some will require a detailed look at systemic issues. Then there are the crises that have yet to happen, but require planning and preparation – just in case.
Other speakers include K-State's April Mason, provost and senior vice president; Suzie Fritz, one of the most successful volleyball coaches in K-State history; Heather Reed, K-State associate dean and director of student life; Maj. Gen. Lee Tafanelli, adjutant general of Kansas; Col. William J. Clark, garrison commander at Fort Riley; and Tom Roberts, assistant dean for recruitment and leadership programs at K-State's College of Engineering.
"Leading in Extraordinary Times" will provide the tools for participants to take on today's challenges and give them the training needed to lead the way, whatever the situation.
Visit the seminar website to find out more about the day's activities, additional information on the speakers and to download a seminar brochure.