March 1, 2017
Beta Upsilon Chi fraternity joins Interfraternity Council
Submitted by Dallas Ungerbuehler
Beta Upsilon Chi, or BYX, the largest national Christian social fraternity, also known as Brothers Under Christ, joined the K-State Interfraternity Council on Feb. 13 following a unanimous vote from the current chapter presidents. Beta Upsilon Chi is the 26th Interfraternity Council fraternity to join the community.
According to the fraternity's official website, Beta Upsilon Chi exists for the purpose of establishing brotherhood and unity among college men based on the common bond of Jesus Christ. The founding verse of Beta Upsilon Chi is Psalm 133:1, "Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity." Since the founding at the University of Texas in 1985, Beta Upsilon Chi has spread to 37 chapters nationwide and possess some of the largest chapters in the nation.
"We are happy to have Beta Upsilon Chi join the fraternity community. They have already shown progress in building their chapter and we look forward to seeing what they accomplish in the future," said Lucas Renz, Interfraternity Council president.
The members of Beta Upsilon Chi look forward to becoming well known in the community and creating a reputation for themselves. Despite being the newest organization, the members of Beta Upsilon Chi think they can contribute to the fraternity and sorority community.
"Although we do not have a current philanthropy, we are wanting to give back to people who don't have as much as we do through organizations like Toys for Tots or homeless shelters," said Andrew Osborne, founding president.
"We are a group of intentional, dedicated and honorable men seeking after God's own heart," he said.