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  4. »Human development and family studies summer course available

K-State Today Student Edition

April 5, 2018

Human development and family studies summer course available

Submitted by Emily Koochel

HDFS 301 Course Announcement

Are you looking for a summer course? 

The human development and family studies department is offering Helping Relationships, HDFS 301, June 4 through July 27. This is a required course for all undergraduate human development and family studies and personal financial planning majors, and is an optional requirement for communication sciences and disorders majors.

The course is open to other majors after meeting the prerequisite of HDFS 110 or PSYCH 110. 

The course is designed to provide students with a practical introduction to helping others in a professional and paraprofessional relationship. The focus of this course is on characteristics of the helping relationship; consideration of personal qualities necessary for recognizing needs of individuals and families; and identification of effective procedures for referral to appropriate professions and agencies.

Enroll today through KSIS. 

Instructor contact is Emily Koochel at ekoochel@k-state.edu

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