
Manhattan Ultimate Summer League
Manhattan, Kansas
Home Teams Schedule Standings Register Contact Past Years

Note: League communications will be sent to you by e-mail from the K-State Utlimate Listserv (KSUULTIMATE-L@LISTSERV.KSU.EDU). If you have not been receiving e-mails from that address, send an e-mail to shawnkokenge@yahoo.com to let him know. He will then add you to the listserv for the summer and remove you from it after the summer is over.

Contact Information

Shawn Kokenge 537-0184     shawnkokenge@yahoo.com
Matt Krehbiel 785-236-9500      kathy_matt@hotmail.com

Aaron Duff 537-0184     ajduff@ksu.edu
Tom Grund 952-484-1013     tgrund@ksu.edu
Cameron Hunter 913-907-8289     chunter2@ksu.edu
Matt Krehbiel 785-236-9500      kathy_matt@hotmail.com
Jin Lee 317-0666     jlee265@jhu.edu
Adriel Ruiz 785-717-9565     adrielruiz@hotmail.com
Kyle Welch 564-2131     kdwelch@ksu.edu