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University Printing


Place your order online (uprint@ksu.edu) or visit one of our convenient campus locations at 26 Umberger Hall and 52 Kansas State Student Union. Need help planning a printing project? Please call 785-532-6308 to schedule an appointment with our customer specialist. We will come to you!

Rick Butler785-532-1534
Aaron Cole 
Tony Cusic 785-532-1538
Frank Gent 785-532-1399
Kris Hanson 785-532-1150
Greg LeValley 785-532-1158
Ryan Moran 
Anne Oswald785-532-1530
Annette Rheaume 785-532-7637
Mike Ryan785-532-1536
James Sigle 785-532-1399
Lilian Ward785-532-1520
Mandy Wilson785-532-1146