Make a choice to care
Once we become aware of Friends’ needs for our informal support, we begin with a choice. Are we emotionally ready to respond? Do we care about a Friend? Can we commit the time, however briefly, to respond? If we are too upset or distracted to help, if we really do not care, or if time is too pressing, we should not pretend interest. Insincerity deepens a Friend’s suffering. If we are willing to become involved, we can decide to be a friend at least for the moment, to be someone who cares.
The nature of the commitment will vary, of course, with the type of relationship. What we commit is the time we have. If we are sitting next to a Friend on an airline or visiting the husband of a woman in hospice, we take the precious time we have to make a difference. When we make the choice, we can bring a level of concentration and intensity the other needs.
The opportunity to help can appear suddenly. Our first response can make a difference.
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First Response |