Encourage “barnraising”
When pioneer farmers had to harvest their crops or build their barns, neighbors would pool their talents to get the job done. These farmers belonged to a community of purpose who were willing to work together toward a common goal. Friends can harness this cooperative spirit by "barnraising." Barnraising is the implementation of the action plan by utilizing the potential resource network of helping hands that exists in communities. Friends could visit the agencies and organizations to gain assistance or contact neighbors and friends to provide support. Some may access mental health services.
For example, the parents of a severely ill teenager meet with her teachers. They also meet with their minister to ask for his support and guidance. They visit the public library and scan the web for information. With their daughter's agreement, they invite several of her best friends over for a pizza dinner to talk with them. They explore the possibility of starting a support group in their community and meet with civic organizations to enlist their help. Barnraising is working in partnership with everyone who could have a role in helping Friends achieve success.
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