New book based on FireWorks!!
FireWorks Revised and Expanded as an eBook
Anger! A Guide to Our Fiery Landscape
Go to insightofcaring.com for more information.
Welcome to the new FireWorks (v2.0), the online conversational course that examines anger management with a special emphasis on adult-child relationships. The course is called FireWorks because anger is similar in some ways to fire. Fire works when properly contained. Fire can provide us with warmth necessary for our survival; but fire can also destroy us and our loved ones. Fire can provide energy for our machines; but without borders fire’s energy is useless and dangerous. There are parallels between anger and fire.
The key to managing anger is to honor it, listen to it, understand it, and use it wisely, but to always remain in control. Anger can be a useful advisor, but it is always a horrible master. This website is not filled with flashy graphics and animation. There are no blinking ads or irrelevant links. The information is provided in a simple and logical manner and will be easy to navigate.
The original course was produced in 1996. This version is essentially identical in content (not fixing something that is not broken) but with a different web style and interface. In a few places the wording was improved. If you are interested in taking FireWorks for graduate or undergraduate credit, check this page in the future for a notice of that option. To begin, just click on the word Navigation in the menu at the top of this page or follow the link below.
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