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The handout “Temperament Pie” is used as part of a workshop in Basic Parenting. So the instructions for its use are not on the page.

How do you create a “slice” in the pie? Let’s take “activity level.” Note the arrowed line that is labeled “higher activity level.” Mark a dot on that line from the outer circle (very high activity level) to the inner circle (very low activity level) depending on how you think you score on that temperamental trait. If you are extremely low activity level, mark the line close to the center of the circle. If you are very high activity level, mark the line at the outer edge.
Now draw a line from that point to the same location on the next line in a clockwise direction. Note that you now have a slice of the pie. Then color or shade the space from this line toward the center. You now have one slice in the pie that shows the amount of activity level. If you scored yourself extremely low in activity level, you might not have a slice to fill in.

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May 26, 2004
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