A baby will test you emotionally
If you think you knew what it means to be sad, frightened, angry, or happy before your child was born, you discover the full depth of these emotions with your own children. Hold your baby in your arms and you might discover unbridled joy beyond any happiness you have experienced before. See your child facing danger and you will experience a fear you never felt. Seeing your child mourn a profound loss will arouse a deep sadness you have never known. Struggling with a defiant teenager making a self-destructive choice may arouse anger that you never knew you could feel.
I discovered the depth of my own anger on a hot afternoon while driving in rush hour traffic on the outer belt of Indianapolis, Indiana. My two young children were screaming and fighting in the back seat. My temperature was rising along with my anger meter. Trying to spank two children while driving a car in rush traffic is not a good idea.
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