Concepts (Discipline)
Although “discipline” is often associated with punishment, training, and obedience, the term originated in the Latin words disciplina and discipulus, meaning instruction and student. Therefore, "to discipline" means to educate, especially in matters of conduct. For many parents, the word may invoke memories of a stern father who ruled his family with an iron will and acid tongue, a chilling glance from a disapproving teacher, the smell of a leather belt or a freshly cut switch from a backyard tree. Your personal experience has a significant effect on how you view discipline and use your influence and power to guide our children.

JOURNAL: 3. What discipline means to me
Take out your journal (or a blank sheet of paper) and have a watch or clock nearby. Time yourself. In one minute write every word that comes to your mind when you think of discipline. Write as fast as you can and try not to stop. If you run out of words to say, pause and relax and wait for something else to come to mind. When you are done, review what you wrote. Circle the words that go together. Are there any themes to your thoughts?

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