Red zone
Behavior in the red zone involves a moral wrongdoing. We cannot ignore red zone misbehavior. The behavior is deliberate and may be defiant. Red zone misbehavior includes:
Hurting someone physically
Attacking someone’s dignity and self-respect
Harming something
Taking something without permission
Misleading someone or breaking a contract (damage trust)
Although we may disagree on what is conventional misbehavior, we can all agree that the above behavior is morally wrong. Regardless of our religious or philosophical beliefs, we stand on common ground regarding these moral issues. Our response to red zone misbehavior involves the selection of the full range of tools: prevention, guidance, and consequences. Our focus is on a child’s morality.
Important! Your thoughts at this point of the course are important to help us understand your experience. Please go to our very brief survey to let us know what you think and feel about Responsive Discipline. It will only take a few moments of your time. Thanks.
❖ JOURNAL 10: Behavior zones
Complete Journal Worksheet #2 “Zones of behavior.” When you are through, describe your reaction to categorizing behavior in this fashion. How can you use the concept of “behavior zones” in your childrearing?
Next: Limits