Advanced Cell Biology (BIOL707), Fall, Senior undergraduate, and graduate students, Credits (3)
This is an advanced level course designed for graduate students and senior undergraduates. The course is designed for students who start or are considering a career in life science or related fields. Topics include methods in cell biology, cell signaling, the cell cycle, the cytoskeleton, cell death, the extracellular matrix, cancer, stem cell, cell biology of infection and student-selected topics. The formats used in the class include lectures, primary research article discussion, student presentation, problem analysis, etc.
Modern Molecular Approaches (BIOL860, Co-teaching with Dr. Kathrin Schrick), Spring, graduate students, Credits (3)
An introduction to approaches and techniques used in the molecular analysis of biological systems, with a focus on modern molecular and cellular biological approaches. The format is primarily group discussion of primary literature, with the goal of instilling the ability to think critically and evaluate published studies.
Principles of Biology (BIOL198), undergraduate students, Credits (4), Fall 2014
An introductory course for majors and non-majors focusing on plants, animals, and microbes. Specific areas covered include biological molecules, cells, genetics, energy flow, physiology, ecology, and evolution.
Problems in Biology (BIOL698), undergraduate students, Spring, Fall