What can I do with a major in...?
Connecting a major to a career is a challenge for many students. Below you will find a list of majors linking to information to help you start the process.
Remember, your major does not always determine your career. College grads use their education in a wide variety of fields. In addition to the options listed, you should explore and learn about the wide range of career opportunities available to you.
The career library at the Career Center is also a great place to continue your research and locate materials to assist you in your career exploration. Stop by our office in the Berney Family Welcome Center and we will help you find the career information you need.
K-State Majors List
(List includes Undergraduate Majors)
Advertising: see mass communications
Agricultural communications and journalism
Agricultural economics: including agribusiness.
Agricultural education
Agricultural technology management
American ethnic studies
Animal sciences and industry
Apparel and textiles: including apparel design and production and apparel marketing
Architectural engineering
Architecture, planning and design: including architecture, interior architecture and product design, and landscape architecture
Art: including art history, ceramics, digital arts, drawing, graphic design, metalsmithing and jewelry, painting, photography, printmaking, and sculpture
Athletic training
Aviation maintenance (K-State Salina)
Aviation management (K-State Salina)
Bakery science and management: including cereal chemistry and production management.
Biological systems engineering:including biological engineering, environmental engineering, and machinery systems
Biology: including microbiology and fisheries and wildlife biology
Business administration: see accounting, finance, management, or marketing
Chemical engineering
Chiropractic Medicine: see pre-Chirpractic medicine
Civil engineering: including construction engineering, environmental engineering, structural engineering, and transportation/materials engineering
Clinical laboratory science: see Pre-Clinical laboratory science (medical technology)
Communication sciences and disorders
Communication studies
Computer engineering
Computer sciences: including computer science and software engineering
Computer systems technology/web development technology (Salina)
Construction science and management
Criminology: see sociology
Dentistry: see pre-dentistry
Digital media technology (Salina)
Early childhood education
Education: including elementary, secondary, and special education
Electrical engineering
Electronic and computer engineering technology (Salina)
Electronic journalism: see mass communications
Electronic media concepts, distribution and management: see mass communications
Elementary education: see education
Engineering (General)
English: including literature, creative writing, and literature with teaching certification
Family and consumer sciences education: see education
Feed science and management
Financial planning: see personal financial planning
Fisheries, wildlife, and conservation biology: see biology
Food science and industry: including food business and operations management and food science
French: see modern languages
Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
German: see modern language
Golf course management: see horticulture
Graphic design: see art
Health Information Management: see pre-health information management
Health professions: including pre-chiropractic medicine, pre-clinical laboratory science (medical technology), pre-dentistry, pre-health information management, pre-medicine, pre-nursing, pre-occupational therapy, pre-optometry, pre-pharmacy, pre-physical therapy, pre-physician assistant, pre-respiratory care, and pre-veterinary medicine.
Horticulture: including fruit and vegetable management, golf course management, greenhouse management, horticultural science, horticultural therapy, landscape and turf management, landscape design, and nursery management
Hospitality Management
Health and Human Sciences: including family and consumer sciences education, general, and undeclared
Human Development and Family Science
: including family life and community services, general, life span and human development, and personal financial planning
Human Nutrition
: including Nutrition and Health, Nutritional Sciences, and Nutrition and Kinesiology
Human resource management: see management
Humanities: see Interdisciplinary majors
Industrial and manufacturing systems engineering
Information systems
Interdisciplinary majors: including humanities, life sciences, physical sciences, and social sciences.
Interior architecture and product design: see architecture
Interior design
Journalism: see mass communications
Kinesiology: including exercise science
Landscape architecture: see architecture
Law: see pre-law
Life science
: see Interdisciplinary majors
Management: including human resource management, management information systems, and operations management
Management information systems: see management
Mass communications: including advertising, print and electronic journalism, and public relations
Mathematics: including actuarial and applied mathematics
Mechanical and nuclear engineering: including aerospace engineering, automotive engineering, composite materials, nuclear engineering, and power systems
Mechanical engineering technology (Salina)
Medicine: see Pre-medicine
Milling science and management: including chemistry, management, and operations
Modern languages: including French, German, and Spanish
Music: including composition, instrumental performance, vocal performance, music theatre, and music education
Nursing: see pre-nursing
Nutrition: see human nutrition
Occupational Therapy: see pre-occupational therapy
Operations management: see management
Optometry: see pre-optometry
Park management and conservation: including administration, interpretation, law enforcement ranger, and park manager
Personal financial planning
Pharmacy: see pre-pharmacy
Philosophy: including interdisciplinary, pre-business, pre-graduate school, pre-law, pre-ministry, and traditional
Photography: see art
Physical science: see Interdisciplinary majors
Physical Therapy: see pre-physical therapy
Physician Assistant: see pre-physician assistant
Political science
Pre-Health professions: see health professions
Print journalism: see mass communications
Professional pilot (Salina)
Public health nutrition: see human nutrition
Public relations: see mass communications
Radio and television (Electronic media concepts, distribution and management): see mass communications
Regional and community planning: see architecture
Respiratory Care: see pre-respiratory care
Secondary education: see education
Social science: see Interdisciplinary majors
Social Transformation Studies
Social work
Sociology: including criminology
Spanish: see modern languages
Special Education: see education
Speech: see communication studies
Technology management (Salina)
: including applied business and applied technologies
Veterinary medicine: see pre-veterinary medicine
Web development technology (Salina): see computer systems technology/web development technology
Wildlife outdoor enterprise management