Electronics Design Club (E-Club)
We are a community devoted to advancement of student understanding through application. Join today on OrgCentral!
Have an idea or project that you would like to do, but not sure where to start? Come to a meeting, get to know us, and ask questions. We will be more than willing to share our knowledge and help you with your project through peer help, access to lab resources, and monetary assistance. We also have several group projects that would love to have your help, no experience required!
For the Fall 2021 semester, we will meet every other Tuesday at 7:30 PM. An announcement will be sent the day of each meeting via our email LISTSERV and Discord "club-announcements" Channel. Our meetings are open to students of all majors, so please stop by and say hello!
Be sure to join the email list to get weekly club updates! To subscribe, email listserv@listserv.ksu.edu with the body "SUB ECLUB-L [your name]"
If you are already a member of E-Club and would like to join our Discord server, please email the webmaster at . Alternatively, there is a link on our OrgCentral page.
Our Discord server is a great place to get help on electronics and/or coding projects. With almost 100 members consisting of ECE, CIS, and additional engineering majors, you're bound to find someone that could help you progress your project to the next level!