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Electronics Design Club

Electronics Design Club

Rathbone 0044
Kansas State University
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
1701b Platt Street, 
Manhattan, KS 66506-2704

Nathan's 3D Printers

2013 - Nathan Reichenberger

Project Mission

Replace my current Huxley 3D Printer, with a taller, better, and faster printer.


I built my first successful 3D printer from a kit, after failing to build my own from scratch. After two years of working with that printer I decided it was time to upgrade and wanted to design my own.

This project is based on the open source RepRap 3D printers, utilizing existing electronics, software, and concept.

The physical design was derived from the Rostock and DeltaMaker 3D printers, which use aluminum extrusion and v-bearing wheels.

Printer Specs:
  • Physical Dimensions: 1m x 0.5m
  • Print dimensions: 120mm radius x 480mm
  • 1.75mm ABS or PLA filament
  • Direct drive extruder
  • Heated bed