Cleaning and Disinfecting Teaching Classrooms and Labs
To prevent community spread outbreaks of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases, disinfecting may occur between class changes at the discretion of the instructor. As such, instructors who choosewill be responsible for ensuring all desks, chairs and high touch point areas are disinfected with an EPA List N disinfectant product. This disinfectant (Q.T. 3) will be furnished by facility services in ready to use (RTU) format.
Important! Do NOT spray electronics, technology or white boards with disinfectant from a spray bottle or electrostatic sprayer!!! Please use the bottle labeled 70% isopropyl alcohol, spray on a paper towel, wipe down the high-touch surfaces of the electronics and allow to dry.
In smaller classrooms and labs:
- Wear disposable gloves and a mask when disinfecting the room.
- Use spray bottles filled with Q.T.3 to disinfect surfaces. Disinfectant will be provided daily (or as needed) by custodial services.
- Surfaces must remain wet with disinfectant for 3 minutes to kill the virus that causes COVID-19. This is referred to as dwell time.
- Surfaces can be allowed to dry naturally or they can be wiped dry with a paper towel AFTER the 3-minute dwell time has elapsed.
- Paper towel dispensers will be located in all teaching classrooms and labs. Additional waste containers will also be available.
In larger classrooms and labs:
- Wear disposable gloves when disinfecting the room.
- Victory handheld electrostatic sprayers filled with QT3 will be provided. Refills of QT3 will be available in the cabinet.
- All instructors should view the short Victory Sprayer informational video and Victory Sprayer instructional video
- Sprayers will be located in a locking cabinet in each designated classroom or lab
- To be fully effective, surfaces must remain wet with disinfectant for 3 minutes to kill the virus that causes COVID- 19. This is referred to as dwell time.
- Surfaces can be allowed to dry naturally or they can be wiped dry with a paper towel AFTER the 3-minute dwell time has elapsed.
- Paper towel dispensers will be located in all teaching classrooms and Additional waste containers will also be available.
- See detailed instructions for use of Victory Sprayer on the following page: Victory Sprayer Instructions