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  4. »Updates to the Threat Management Policy

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

September 9, 2021

Updates to the Threat Management Policy

Submitted by Ryan Van Dusen

The Office of Risk and Compliance has updated Policy and Procedure Manual, of PPM, Chapter 3015, Threat Management Team, and changes take effect Sept. 8.

These changes provide the following:

  1. Transfers overall management of the policy and Threat Management Team to the Office of Risk and Compliance.
  2. Establishes a formal relationship between the Threat Management Team and the Critical Incident Response Team.
  3. Identifies subject matter experts from various departments and services that support students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

If you witness or become aware of individuals displaying distressed, disruptive, or disturbing behavior, submit a report through the Report It Page on the K-State website.

The annual Threat Management Policy training, WTD226, will be held for new staff from 1-3 p.m. Sept. 29 in Room 207 of the K-State Student Union. Any new administrator, department head, or student life staff member who may be asked to serve as a TMT or CIRT member should attend this training. The training includes information about TMT and CIRT policies, procedures and guidelines, as well as information on the Threat Management Policy, the Standards and Procedures for Voluntary or Involuntary Withdrawal from the University for Seriously Disruptive Behaviors Policy, the K-State Emergency Management Plan, and the Student Code of Conduct. A tabletop exercise of a TMT/CIRT situation will also be conducted.

To register for this session, you can either sign up through HRIS self-service or send an email to Megan Eakin at learning-develop-hr@k-state.edu. When sending an email, please include your name, employee ID and the course title.

Additionally, Ryan Van Dusen's job responsibilities have been modified to encompass the responsibility of chairing the Threat Management Team. His new title is compliance and conflict resolution manager. The Threat Management Team was previously chaired by Vice President Jay Stephens.

Questions regarding these changes or the policy may be sent to Van Dusen at rvandusen@k-state.edu