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  4. »Next week is Beneficiary Awareness Week

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

September 9, 2021

Next week is Beneficiary Awareness Week

Submitted by Jason Talbert

Most of us designate life insurance, retirement and other beneficiaries when first hired. As we focus our careers and changes within our lives, those designations often become afterthoughts.

If you were asked today who your beneficiary(ies) is (are), would you know with certainty? Have you had any life changes since your last designation? Is your beneficiary an ex-spouse or someone who has fallen out of favor? Did you know that your beneficiary designations can be updated any time? These are all important questions to consider throughout your employment, whether you have been here one week or 30 years.

K-State's Human Capital Services benefits team will host Beneficiary Awareness Week beginning Monday, Sept. 13. Each day, information will be provided through K-State Today, culminating with an interactive virtual educational session designed for you to learn more and ask any questions you may have about designating or updating your beneficiary(ies).

If you are interested in learning more, we encourage you to review the upcoming K-State Today articles and register for the educational session at 10 a.m. Friday, Sept. 17, via the following link: K-State Beneficiary Education Session Registration. Additional resources will be available if you are unable to attend the session.

As always, HCS-benefits is glad to help. Please contact your support team at benefits@k-state.edu with any questions or concerns.