Modern Languages - Spanish

Did you know that over 500 million people speak Spanish around the world? The U.S. ranks #2 in the world for Spanish speakers behind Mexico, and it is projected that, by 2050, one in three people will speak Spanish (including bilinguals English/Spanish) in the U.S. Our immersive programs offers extensive practice in spoken and written Spanish as well as opportunities to study a range of literary and cultural studies, language for the professions, linguistics, and translation.

Students can take Spanish courses to count toward their language requirements for the B.A., pursue a minor or a major in Spanish, complete a secondary major in International and Area Studies, or pursue graduate studies in Spanish.

Toledo Spain 2024

Want to know more about Spanish @K-State?

The Modern Languages department provides a diverse range of Spanish courses, along with scholarships to support minors, majors, graduate studies, and students studying abroad. We also offer opportunities to earn free credits for prior language experience. Join us at our Spanish Language Table to practice your Spanish, engage in conversations, and connect with others. For further details, please contact:

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Contact us:

Dr. Rebecca Benderbender
on sabbatical F24-S25
Associate Professor
EH 207,

Dr. Angélique Courboucourbou
Teaching Assistant Professor & Undergraduate Advisor
EH 217,

Dr. María DePaoliDePaoli
Professor & Graduate Advisor
EH 229,

Dr. Andrea Faberfaber
Assistant Professor & Coordinator Spanish 1 and 3
EH 106,

Ms. Yasmín Gavigangavigan
Instructor & KLC Director

EH 006,

Dr. Zachary GlassettGlassett
Teaching Assistant Professor

EH 004,

Dr. Raelynne Halehale
Assistant Professor & Coordinator Spanish 2, 4 and 410
EH 203,

Dr. Laura KanostKanost
Professor & Translation Minor Coordinator
EH 204,

Dr. Claudia NazarioNazario
Teaching Assistant Professor

EH 206,

Dr. Laura Valentín-Riveravalentin
Associate Professor & Coordinator Heritage Learners
EH 213,

Dr. Jeff Zamostnyzamostny
Professor & Department Head

EH 208,

Course Descriptions
From 2018 to 2022, unique job postings (including "Spanish Language," "Language Translation," and "Bilingual (Spanish/English)" increased 59.7% within the US and were mostly from the healthcare area. Lightcast occupational projections from 2022 to 2031, show growth within the United States over a ten-year period with healthcare and business occupations at the top. In fact, the top two occupations with the highest projected growth of 22.1% and 14.3% is in the Healthcare Support Operations and Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Operations occupation groups which are well over the 7.4% growth projections for all occupations within the United States. Learn more about the benefits of learning a language. (Source: K-State Market Intelligence & Analysis)



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