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K-State Today

August news releases

Friday, August 31, 2012

Sobering intentions: Football season renews efforts to curb underage drinking, keep drunk drivers off the road

Just as football season gets ready to kick off at Bill Snyder Family Stadium, so do efforts by the Kansas State University Police Department to curb underage drinking at home football games.

Electrical Power Affiliates Program expands with additional company partnerships

An industrial consortium within Kansas State University's College of Engineering has recently added three new companies. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Purple pride on display: K-State Day at the Kansas State Fair planned for Sept. 9

Kansas State University will roll out the purple carpet at the 2012 Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson. The first Sunday of the fair, Sept. 9, is designated as K-State Day with the university as the day's official sponsor.


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Early career distinction: Prestigious award recognizes physicist's work in electron dynamics

A Kansas State University professor has received a prestigious award for his research that could lead to faster electronics and affect communication technology.

On-the-job learning: Advanced Manufacturing Institute helps students gain real-world experience through internship program

An internship program offered by Kansas State University's Advanced Manufacturing Institute, or AMI, is giving students the chance to work on challenging client projects with engineering and business professionals.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sustaining momentum: Two upcoming conferences look at progress on addressing great plains climate change, moving Kansas toward a sustainable future

Climate change will be the topic of two upcoming conferences at Kansas State University. The first conference will deal with how agriculture and rural communities will be affected by climate change, the latest science, adaptation/mitigation options and educational options for preparing the region.

Inspiring change: Lou Douglas Lecture Series to feature Wildcat, Feingold

Two men known for inspiring change will be the speakers for the Lou Douglas Lecture Series this fall at Kansas State University. The lecture series is sponsored by UFM Community Learning Center.

K-State Olathe taking a swipe at hunger to help famine victims; Community volunteers needed for food-packaging event

Numana Swipe-Out Hunger, a food-packaging event for the Horn of Africa, will be 8 a.m. to noon Oct. 13 at Kansas State University Olathe, 22201 W. Innovation Drive. 

Honoring the best: College of Human Ecology recognizing outstanding alumni at Celebration of Excellence Sept. 6

The College of Human Ecology at Kansas State University will recognize seven alumni and one company at a dinner in their honor on Thursday, Sept. 6, at Justin Hall.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Super glue: Tests show that adhesive could improve safety of lasik eye surgery

Kansas State University researchers have developed a glue mixture that may reduce risks after laser vision correction surgery.


Friday, August 24, 2012

Satisfied seniors: Survey measures graduating student satisfaction

Recent graduates are giving Kansas State University high marks when it comes to their experience at the university.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Five doctoral students win financial backing for promising research

Five Kansas State University doctoral graduate students were awarded Kansas State University Research Foundation doctoral research scholarships for projects that could improve industry and human and animal health. 

Great beginnings: School year kicks off with music, art and more

It's a September to remember at Kansas State University as the school year gets under way with plenty of music, art, fun and even a little drama.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Deja vu: K-State featured again by Princeton Review as one of the best colleges in the nation

In a repeat performance, Kansas State University is recognized on the Princeton Review's "The Best 377 Colleges."

Getting the buzz: Social media pro to teach seminar for students, faculty and staff

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest -- everyone is on, but do these social media work for business? Kansas State University students, faculty and staff will learn the skills to develop a media strategy that makes social media work for business, during a four-hour seminar presented by Susan Young of Get in Front Communications.

YouTube sensation: Acoustic guitarist Andy McKee featured in McCain Performance Series at Forum Hall

A native Topekan known as one of the world's top acoustic guitarists will be the performer when Kansas State University's McCain Performance Series takes a short road trip -- from McCain Auditorium to the K-State Student Union.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Guilt versus gut: Assistant professor helps working mothers find balance with exercise, children

Guilt is a major obstacle working mothers face for staying active, according to Emily Mailey. She is a Kansas State University assistant professor of kinesiology who researches and develops interventions to promote physical activity among working mothers.

What it takes to be a veterinarian: New college of veterinary medicine lecture series on Olathe campus will explore career options

The Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine will offer a fall lecture series on the Olathe campus, 22201 W. Innovation Drive, with the first lecture to be at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 19, in Forum Hall at the International Animal Health and Food Safety Institute.

New agreement creates opportunity for military to earn bachelor's degree in food science and industry

Soldiers seeking a bachelor's degree in food science and industry now have an educational road map to direct their way because of a new agreement between Kansas State University and the U.S. Army's Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges program.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Great expectations: Interpretation of positive or negative information is all a matter of anticipation, psychologist says

Each month a new jobs report is issued in the United States. Each month the report is also met with criticism even if jobs are added. 

Setting the standard: Robotics team takes sixth consecutive win at international competition

Kansas State University's student robotics team has clinched its sixth consecutive championship in the American Society of Biological and Agricultural Engineers' international student robotics competition.

Stealth education: Ninjas, graphic novel explain library services to Salina students

Seldom seen, library ninjas perform heroic acts to ensure their patrons have access to information. These mythic vigilantes and their escapades are brought to life in "Legends of the Library Ninjas: A Quest for Knowledge," a graphic novel resulting from a partnership between Kansas State University Salina and Kansas Wesleyan University.


Friday, August 17, 2012

Setting the foundation: Fountain wars team finishes second at international competition, builds young leadership

The Kansas State University fountain wars competition team has traditionally finished high in yearly competition at the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers annual international meeting. The team's latest effort was no exception, with a second-place finish at the recent meeting in Dallas.

Designer's touch: Interior architecture and product design students lead the way as finalists in prestigious furniture design competition

Nine students in Kansas State University's interior architecture and product design program have designed their way to the finals in the Design Emphasis Student Furniture awards at the International Woodworking Fair 2012.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Little things, big differences: Pre-nursing student assists doctors in Kenya during summer

It's the common experiences like routine doctor visits that Kansas State University student Allegra Gigstad, Nortonville, used to take for granted. However, an 11-day trip to Africa this summer changed her perception.

Scholarly summer: McNair program interns cap off busy summer with research presentations

It's been a summer of discovery for 14 Kansas State University students taking part in research internships offered by the university's McNair Scholars program.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A 'game-changer': By studying animal health, researchers find improved ways for developing, testing cancer therapies

A group of Kansas State University researchers has made valuable findings in the search for cancer's cure.

Prestigious posting: Engineering professor to serve as program director with National Science Foundation

A Kansas State University professor with a successful track record of securing research grants will soon find himself on the opposite side of the proverbial table.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

University personnel and administration test emergency scenario on campus

Kansas State University practiced an emergency exercise on campus on Tuesday, Aug. 14.

Making the grade: Tips on how parents can help make homework time more productive

Homework may be the last thing your child wants to do, but a Kansas State University education expert says encouraging the habit of homework is important.

Creating healthier habits: School meal program reforming to heighten nutritional standards

Schools will resume for many of the nation's youth over the coming weeks and one change parents may notice is healthier meals offered in their children's school meals program.


Monday, August 13, 2012

From textbook to flexbook: Professor uses new collaborative tool in the classroom

A Kansas State University professor is gaining attention for creating a textbook replacement that saves students money and provides instructors with teaching flexibility.

Connect to K-State: Week of Welcome activities entertain, enlighten students

Kansas State University will get students off on the right foot with a variety of activities and events to engage them in the university community during Week of Welcome from Aug. 20-24.


Friday, August 10, 2012

Special envoys: Student ambassadors at K-State Salina ready to represent campus, community

Student ambassadors for Kansas State University Salina have been selected for the 2012-2013 academic year.

Care and comfort: Pet owners seeking new choices for supervision of their animals

Many traveling pet owners board their animals at a kennel while they are gone. But some pet owners are now opting for pet-sitting, an alternative that appears to be growing, according to a Kansas State University veterinarian.


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Source of conflict: Study finds factors that can shape divorced mothers' co-parenting experiences

The type of relationship a woman has with her ex-partner is a factor in how the couple shares custody of children, according to a Kansas State University expert on postdivorce and co-parenting relationships.

A wealth of health: Online course links human, animal, environmental health triad

The health of animals, people and the environment are inextricably linked. A new online course at Kansas State University shows just how interrelated this health triad is -- and why the concept of "one health" is gaining ground among health professionals.


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Test of tolerance: Diversity keeps grasslands resilient to drought, climate change

For much of the year drought has been plaguing American grasslands. But a recent study found that grasses do not appear to be losing the turf war against climate when it comes to surviving with little precipitation.

Sounding the warning: Researchers advocate for importance of music education as schools cut music programs across Kansas

There's a little less harmony inside Kansas school walls these days. Two Kansas State University researchers say programs are facing cuts that could put the future of music education in Kansas in danger.

Get in the swing, Texas-style: Country great Lyle Lovett kicks off McCain Performance Series on Aug. 26

A Grammy-winning singer and songwriter who has been called "a star as big as Texas itself" will open Kansas State University's 2012-2013 McCain Performance Series.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Time to get moving: Researcher recommends physical activity be part of school day, after-school programs

Along with reading, writing and arithmetic, do you know if physical activity will be a big part of your child's school day? What about after school and on weekends -- is your child getting enough physical activity?


Monday, August 6, 2012

A new line of defense: Researchers find cattle vaccine works to reduce E. coli O157:H7 in a large-scale feedlot setting

A commercial vaccine for cattle can effectively reduce levels of E. coli by more than 50 percent, a Kansas State University study has found. The vaccine is also effective using two doses instead of the recommended three doses, which can help cut costs for the beef industry.


Friday, August 3, 2012

Veterinarian says some dogged diligence beforehand good way to find perfect fur-ever friend

Feeding a stray dog is a kind gesture -- and one that may generate a new best friend. Adding a dog to your home should not, however, be a spur-of-the-moment decision, said Susan Nelson, a veterinarian and clinical associate professor in the Pet Health Center at Kansas State University's Veterinary Health Center.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Smooth transition: Researchers helping freshmen with ADHD succeed in college find it helps to plan management strategies before coming to campus

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, affects 1 to 4 percent of college students, according to national studies. For freshmen with ADHD, the transition to college can be especially difficult.

Going the distance: Frontier program uses field trip to Mexican border to inspire students studying food security

At the Santa Teresa, N.M., port of entry, about 300,000 cattle a year imported from Mexico pass through the national security checkpoint.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Luring locavores: Research shows female and older consumers highly motivated to buy local

A study by a Kansas State University researcher could help farmers better serve a niche market.

Exercise restraint: University pet health center veterinarian says starting slow is way to go when introducing dog to physical activity

New dog owners anxious to take their dog for a walk or run are encouraged to introduce exercise gradually.

Fire extinguished at boiler shed

The Manhattan Fire Department extinguished a fire at a boiler shed near the university's power plant around 11 a.m. Aug. 1.

News tip: Electrical and computer engineer can talk about power grid collapse in India

With India's power grid collapse affecting hundreds of millions of people, a Kansas State University expert who studies power systems engineering can provide insight into the infrastructure issues behind the collapse.