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News Releases

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Ecologists advise an increase in prescribed grassland burning to maintain ecosystem, livelihood
At least 50 percent of the tallgrass prairie in the Flint Hills is burned every three to four years or less frequently and is susceptible to becoming shrubland if fire frequencies are not increased. 

Friday, May 27, 2016

Kansas State University's Phi Kappa Phi chapter gains new members
More than 80 Kansas State University students, faculty and alumni are new members of Phi Kappa Phi, the oldest and most prestigious all-discipline honor societies.


Thursday, May 26, 2016

Kansas State University researchers find ways to reduce wasted food
A project by three Kansas State University hospitality and management graduate students is helping a campus restaurant reduce food waste and increase its bottom line.

Kansas State University awards semester honors to more than 3,650 students
More than 3,650 Kansas State University students have earned semester honors for their academic performance in the spring 2016 semester.


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Kansas State University athletic trainer taking talent and skill to the Olympics
The director of Kansas State University's athletic training program, Phillip Vardiman, will serve as an athletic trainer on the medical team supporting the U.S. track and field team at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janiero, Brazil.

Kansas State University ROTC alumni to be inducted into Army ROTC Hall of Fame
Two retired U.S. Army officers who were commissioned through Kansas State University's Army ROTC program will be inducted into the national Army ROTC Hall of Fame on June 10.

Abaxis gives another $250,000 to Kansas State University's Center of Excellence for Vector-Borne Diseases
Kansas State University's Center of Excellence for Vector-Borne Diseases is benefiting from a second gift of $250,000 from Abaxis, amedical and veterinary technology company.


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Pink and Purple Polyester Party raises $8,300 for Kansas State University cancer research
Live disco and decorated bras were the highlight of the Pink and Purple Polyester Party April 22, but the real purpose of the event was to support cancer research at Kansas State University.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas beef industry provide assessment service for Kansas feedlots
Kansas State University's College of Veterinary Medicine is collaborating with the state's beef industry to offer freeBeef Quality Assurance feedlot assessments to Kansas feedlots.

Engineering, computer science, finance students earn SHIELD Scholarships from Phillips 66
Phillips 66 and Kansas State University have selected the new SHIELD Scholars for the 2016-2017 academic year.


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Kansas State University veterinary student wins prestigious $75,000 equine medicine scholarship
Kansas State University veterinary student Jenni Wright is the recipient of a prestigious $75,000 scholarship.


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

College of Education honors outstanding students
Nine new graduates of the College of Education at Kansas State University have been recognized for excellence and for promise in the education profession.

Kirmser Awards recognize exceptional undergraduate scholarship at Kansas State University
Excellence in research has earned several students at Kansas State University recognition through the third annual Kirmser Undergraduate Research Awards.


Monday, May 16, 2016

Animal disease response training offered to Kansas emergency management personnel
The Kansas State University National Agricultural Biosecurity Center is helping state and local emergency management personnel learn more about what actions to take by offering a pilot animal disease response training course at the Kansas Department of Agriculture on May 18 and 19. 


Friday, May 13, 2016

K-State sophomore earns honorable mention in Udall scholarship competition
Jael Whitney, a sophomore in marketing, Overland Park, earned an honorable mention in the Udall scholarship competition.

Kansas State University veterinary medical student wins communication excellence scholarship from Bayer
Jeni Nezerka, Kansas City, Missouri, a fourth-year student in Kansas State University's College of Veterinary Medicine, is the university's recipient of a Bayer Excellence in Communication Award.


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Media advisory: Media arrangements for May 19 Landon Lecture by Luis Guillermo Solís
Costa Rica President Luis Guillermo Solís will polish off the busy semester as the fourth Landon Lecture in spring 2016. He has an extensive background in education and politics.

Student from Wichita earns College of Business Administration's Outstanding Senior Award
Anne Feldkamp, a May 2016 bachelor's candidate in management information systems, Wichita, is the Kansas State University College of Business Administration's Outstanding Senior in Business for spring 2016.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

College of Human Ecology recognizing 21 outstanding seniors
The College of Human Ecology at Kansas State University will honor 21 graduating seniors for excellence in engagement, leadership or research and creative activities at the college's annual awards ceremony Friday, May 13.

College of Arts & Sciences Ambassadors named for 2016
The Kansas State University College of Arts & Sciences has announced the selection of 23 new student ambassadors for the 2015-2016 academic year. The new members join 20 returning ambassadors from the previous academic year.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Opportunity to work with NBAF, Kansas State University scientists lures New York company to Kansas
City and university officials have announced that Orion Integrated Biosciences, Larchmont, New York, has established a Manhattan office to work more closely with NBAF and Kansas State University scientists.

Kansas State University mathematics students score highly in international competition
Four Kansas State University students have placed highly at the 76th annual Putnam Mathematical Competition, the most prestigious mathematics contest for undergraduates at colleges and universities in the United States and Canada.

Kansas State University environmental educator shares five facts about bison, the new US national mammal
Kansas State University's Jill Haukos, director of education at Konza Prairie Biological Station, shares five facts about bison at Konza Prairie Biological Station in honor of the National Bison Legacy Act. President Barack Obama signed the act into law May 9. It makes the American bison the U.S. national mammal.

Kansas State University spring 2016 graduation candidates
Nearly 3,000 students are candidates for graduation from Kansas State University this spring.


Monday, May 9, 2016

Two doctoral students receive prestigious Sarachek award
Two Kansas State University doctoral candidates are receiving Sarachek awards for their academic and research achievements.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Kansas State University student researches Spanish songs in vocal music education
Sharon Wilson, sophomore in music education, is conducting a four-year research project concerning the importance of Spanish songs in vocal music education.

Kansas State University student receives Gilman International Scholarship to study biology in Belize
Jerusha Matthews, senior in fisheries, wildlife and conservation biology, will research black howler monkeys and jaguars in Belize this summer, as part of the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program.

Kansas State University Phi Beta Kappa chapter inducts new members
The Beta of Kansas Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the nation's oldest academic honor society, has inducted 29 Kansas State University students as new members.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

One gene in pond scum responsible for multicellular evolution, understanding of cancer origin
Brad Olson, Kansas State University assistant professor, and an international team of researchers found a single gene found in algae is responsible for the evolution of multicellular organisms.

Students selected for special roles at university's commencement ceremonies
At Kansas State University's commencement ceremonies May 7, 13 and 14, several students will be featured as speakers, vocalists and musicians.


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Oh, the places they'll go: Scholarships send Wildcats across the world
China, Australia, Spain, the Galapagos and more are just some of the places where Kansas State University students will be studying in summer and fall 2016 through scholarships awarded by the university's Office of International Programs.

Architectural engineering senior from Garden City named scholar of the year
The Committee of Fellows of the American Council of Engineering Companies has selected Kansas State University's Jeremy Ensz, senior in architectural engineering, Garden City, as its 2016 Scholar of the Year.


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

University's 2016-2017 Coffman chair to increase academic discourse about critical thinking
Kansas State University's 2015-16 Coffman Chair for Distinguished Teaching Scholars, Patricia Ackerman, professor of language arts at K-State Polytechnic, is determined to increase academic discourse about critical thinking at K-State.

Two students earn Blue Key scholarship for outstanding achievements
Stephanie Hughes, senior in marketing, and Garrett Kays, senior in agricultural economics, have received the William L. Muir II and John "Tom" Muir Alpha Tau Omega Blue Key Leadership.

State Department ambassador to discuss chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological national security at Kansas State University's College of Veterinary Medicine
Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins of the U.S. Department of State will present the public lecture "Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Terrorism — Efforts to Reduce the Threat" at noon Wednesday, May 4, in the Mara Conference Center on the fourth floor of Trotter Hall.

Consumers' taste for beef varies by brand name, Kansas State University study finds
Kansas State University meat scientists have found that the brand name on grocery store beef makes a difference in how consumers perceive flavor, texture, juiciness, tenderness and overall liking of the product.

President of Costa Rica to present Kansas State University Landon Lecture May 19
Costa Rica President Luis Guillermo Solís will give a Landon Lecture at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, May 19, in Forum Hall in Kansas State University's Student Union.


Monday, May 2, 2016

Pomp and circumstance: Kansas State University commencement ceremonies May 7, 13 and 14
Around 3,000 students will receive degrees from Kansas State University at commencement ceremonies May 7, 13 and 14.

University selects two faculty members as distinguished professors
Kansas State University is honoring an agronomist and a cosmologist as the newest university distinguished professors.

Kansas State Polytechnic launches new flight academy for high school students
Fly K-State Academy is athree-day piloting program being offered by Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus for high school students entering their freshman through senior year who dream about a future in aviation. The academy will be June 27-29 at Kansas State Polytechnic.


Feature by Topic:

Lists - graduates, honors, scholarships

Landon Lecturers