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K-State Today

K-State News
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Dr North
Manhattan, KS 66506


Frequently asked questions

In the wake of the fire that occurred at Hale Library on Tuesday, May 22, the university is working hard to make sure future and current students are not negatively impacted by the temporary inability to access select technology systems. Hale Library remains closed and there is no timeline yet for reopening.

Future students          Current students          Faculty          Staff

Future students

Transcripts/Transfer credit
Have you received my transcripts?

Students who would like to check on the status of their transcripts can call 785-532-6250 or email k-state@k-state.edu. Applicants with international transcripts should also call 785-532-7277 or email intladmit@k-state.edu


How do I check to see what classes will transfer to the university?

Students with questions about transfer credit or transfer equivalency may use the transfer equivalency tool.


Admission status/Applying
Can I check on my admission status?
  • Domestic applicants who would like to check on the status of their application for admission can call 785-532-6250.
  • International applicants should call 785-532-7277 or email intladmit@k-state.edu


I want to apply for admission.
  • Domestic students who would like to apply for admission for Summer 2018 terms through Fall 2019 should apply online. If you have any questions, please call 785-532-6250.
  • International students who are interested in applying for Fall 2018 through Fall 2019 should apply online. The deadline for Fall 2018 has been extended to June 15.
  • The Office of International Admissions is no longer accepting applications for the summer 2018 term. 


I am needing more information about my international student visa. Where should I go?

Please visit our visa information page on our website. If you have any questions, please email intladmit@k-state.edu or call 785-532-7277.


Orientation and Enrollment/Events
How do I register for orientation and enrollment or Wildcat Warm-up?

If you need to register for orientation and enrollment, please complete the online form or call 785-532-1521.


How do I change my registration information or request a date change for orientation and enrollment or Wildcat Warm-up?

Please call 785-532-1521 and we will be glad to assist.


How do I access the math placement exam?

The math placement exam is currently available. Student may complete the assessment and results will be stored on a local server. When all systems are restored, the results will be uploaded and available for students and advisors.


How do I complete or cancel my housing contract?

Students with questions about their housing contract can call 785-532-6453.


How do I select my room for residence halls?

The room selection system is fully functional. Please visit the living options page from housing.ksu.edu


Transcripts/Transfer credit
Have you received my official transcripts?

We are currently processing all received transcripts. If you have a question about transcripts other than K-State transcript, please call 785-532-6191 or email grad@k-state.edu with your query.


Admission status/Applying
How do I apply for admission to Graduate School?

The Graduate School application is online and available at k-state.edu/grad/admissions/application-process. If you have questions about the application process, or a question about a submitted application, please call 785-532-6191 or email grad@k-state.edu


Current students

I’m taking a class this summer but am not sure where or when to report to class. What should I do?
The summer course schedule has been restored. Please refer to it to determine when/where your course reports.  


Is there any way to view my current class schedule, grades for prior terms, and GPA?
There is limited information available for current undergraduate students via the Student Success Collaborative. Summer class schedules, courses/grades for prior terms, and GPA may be available here. Go to k-state.campus.eab.com and log in with your eID and password. If you were/are enrolled spring 2018, summer 2018, or fall 2018, you may be able to view the information.


I want to add another summer class but don’t have access to KSIS. What should I do?

KSIS has been restored and is functioning normally. If you are having trouble accessing systems, please contact the IT Help Desk at 785-532-7722. 

How will refunds be handled for students who wished to drop a class for 100 percent refund while the websites have been down?

The registrar’s office will evaluate the situation once the systems are back up and make accommodations for those students who were affected.


If I wished to enroll in an online course for the summer semester but wasn't able to enroll prior to May 22 due to the systems outage, will I still be assessed the $50 late enrollment fee?
The Cashier's Office will be waiving the late enrollment fee until after the systems are restored. The office will advise on a revised deadline at that time, so continue to check back to the Cashier's Office website for further information.


Can I order transcripts?

Systems used to provide services in the Office of the Registrar, such as transcript ordering and processing, as well as phone communication, have been affected. The deadline to order transcripts at No Charge will be extended to a date yet to be determined. When services are restored, the extended date will be posted on k-state.edu/transcripts.

The Office of the Registrar has prepared a letter of explanation that may be printed and/or referenced to explain why you are unable to provide a K-State transcript to a third party, such as an employer, school or financial institution. This letter of explanation is available on the Office of the Registrar's website at k-state.edu/registrar.


I am concerned that I may not be able to order my K-State transcript free of charge by the original deadline. What can I do?

The deadline to order transcripts at No Charge will be extended to a date not yet determined, premised on when processing services are restored.

Who can I contact if I have questions about K-State’s available payment plans?

We encourage you to contact our cashier’s office via email at cashiers@k-state.edu. Please be sure to provide your Wildcat ID, if you have one, along with your name and contact information. While the office will respond to all inquiries, some answers may be delayed until the K-State Student Information System is, once again, fully operational.

Who can I contact if I have questions about the repayment status of my Federal Perkins Loan?

We encourage you to contact our cashier’s office via email at cashiers@k-state.edu. Please be sure to provide your Wildcat ID, if you have one, along with your name and contact information. While the office will respond to all inquiries, some answers may be delayed until the K-State Student Information System is, once again, fully operational.

I have a question regarding the status of my student financial assistance. How can I communicate my question to the Office of Student Financial Assistance?

You can submit any financial aid questions you might have to the Office of Student Financial Assistance via email at finaid@k-state.edu  Please be sure to provide your Wildcat ID, if you have one, along with your name and contact information. While the office will respond to all inquiries, some answers may be delayed until the K-State Student Information System is, once again, fully operational.

When will the library be accessible again?

Hale Library remains closed and there is no timeline yet for reopening. 

If you need to return interlibrary loan materials, please check them in at the Paul Weigel Library of Architecture, Planning & Design. Hale Library materials can be returned to Weigel Library or the Math/Physics Library. You can also return these materials to any of our book drops

For questions about returning library materials please email libhelp@k-state.edu.


What should I do if my password is expired?

You can try your most recent password before your current one, if you have it, and that may work. The Help Desk can assist in changing passwords. Please contact them at helpdesk@k-state.edu or 785-532-7722.

How can I inform myself of the latest news from the Office of the Registrar?

An easy way to read up on the latest news from the registrar’s office is to follow us on Twitter: @KStateRegistrar.

How can I contact the Office of the Registrar?

You can submit questions regarding enrollment waivers, enrollment verification or transcripts via email at registrar@k-state.edu. Please be sure to provide your Wildcat ID, if you have one, along with your name and contact information. While the office will respond to all inquiries, some answers may be delayed until the K-State Student Information System is, once again, fully operational.

How can I contact Cashiers and Student Accounts?

You can submit questions regarding your university bill via e-mail at cashiers@k-state.edu. Please be sure to provide your Wildcat ID, if you have one, along with your name and contact information. While the office will respond to all inquiries, some answers may be delayed until the K-State Student Information System is, once again, fully operational.

Can I access my KSIS account? 

Yes, KSIS has been restored and you should log in using your regular eID and password. If you are having troubling access systems, please contact the IT Help Desk at 785-532-7722.



Status of academic, teaching, and learning tools for summer term
Do we have access to the summer schedule anywhere?
The summer course schedule has been restored.  


Is payroll affected?
Paychecks will be issued on schedule on Friday, June 1. If you have any questions or notice any inaccuracies on your paycheck, contact your Human Capital Services department liaison.


How do I apply leave and ask for time off work? 

Leave request forms are not working on the Human Capital Services website. Talk to your supervisor to request time off work or contact your Human Capital Services department liaison. 

At this time, Human Capital Services recommends using paper time documents to track time and leave for the current pay period unless a time tracking system becomes available.    

Leave request forms may be picked up at the Human Capital Services reception area in Edwards Hall.  

For questions, contact Human Capital Services at 785-532-6277.


How do I access other forms from Human Capital Services? 

You can access other forms on the Human Capital Services website at http://www.k-state.edu/hcs/forms/index.html

If you are unable to access any forms, stop by Edwards Hall to fill out a hard copy. For questions, contact Human Capital Services at 785-532-6277.


How do I order a parking pass?

The Parking Services website is working and parking passes can be ordered at https://www.k-state.edu/parking

For questions about ordering a parking pass, contact Parking Services at 785-532-7275 or parking@k-state.edu.


When will the library be accessible again?

Hale Library remains closed and there is no timeline yet for reopening. 

If you need to return interlibrary loan materials, please check them in at the Paul Weigel Library of Architecture, Planning & Design. Hale Library materials can be returned to Weigel Library or the Math/Physics Library. You can also return these materials to any of our book drops

For questions about returning library materials please email libhelp@k-state.edu.


What should I do if my password is expired?

You can try your most recent password before your current one, if you have it, and that may work. The Help Desk can assist in changing passwords. Please contact them at helpdesk@k-state.edu or 785-532-7722.


How do I access my class roster?

You can use Canvas. Log in to Canvas and locate the class for which you need a roster (if it is not listed on your Dashboard, click “Courses” and select to see “All Courses.” Select the course and click on it. On the left hand side menu, click on “People.” Everyone in the class will be listed here. 


Mediasite appears to be down.  What can I do?

Read more information about Mediasite at k-state.edu/mediasite/hale-fire-outage.html.


How do I find my videos?

To locate video files on your computer, if you don’t know what the file path is already, you can search “*.mp4” on Windows, which should bring up a list of all mp4 files on the computer. You can then sort by name, size, creation date, etc., to find the correct file.


I have a question about my online course.  Who should I contact?

You can reach out to your Global Campus program coordinator. If you don’t know who that is, call 785-532-5575 or 800-622-2578 or email global@k-state.edu.


Is the Canvas roster accurate?

Yes. The Canvas roster reflects all students enrolled as of the date — Tuesday, May 22 — when we lost KSIS.


Who can faculty/advisors call if they need help with KSIS? 

If you are having trouble accessing systems, please contact Fred Darkow at 785-341-6414. 


A student cannot log in to Canvas. What do I need to do or where do I refer them?

The student can try their most recent password before their current, if they have it, and that may work. The Help Desk can assist in changing passwords. Please contact them at helpdesk@k-state.edu or 785-532-7722.


I have a proctored exam coming up for my online course. Who should I contact?
I am not able to access CollegeNet - what should I do?

The standard link to CollegeNet was impacted and may not be operational. To access CollegeNet, please use this link: https://admit.applyweb.com/admit/shibboleth/k-state. Additionally, please contact Joe Horan at 785-532-6621 if you have questions or need assistance.


I have an international graduate student who wishes to defer his/her admission to a future semester - what can I do?

The department head or graduate program director should send an email to grad@k-state.edu with the name of the student, student WID, and the semester the student will begin study in their graduate program.


I'm trying to update/change a student's grade for the spring semester - what is the best way to go about this?
The Office of the Registrar is advising faculty that the best solution for the time being is to simply wait until KSIS comes back online. The office will continue to update its website as KSIS features start to come back online, advising what is and isn't possible within the system during the restoration process. Please continue to check back to the Office of the Registrar website or contact the office directly at 785-532-6254 with questions on this matter.


How do I conduct business with the Division of Finacial Services?
The Division of Financial Services is open for business but continues to experience IT system issues resulting from the fire at Hale Library. Find more information about how to conduct business with the division at http://www.k-state.edu/media/update/halelibrary/financialservices.html
How do I submit a job to University Printing?
While some technology services are limited, University Printing can receive and produce printing requests. Read the following instructions for submitting a job at http://www.k-state.edu/media/update/halelibrary/universityprinting.html.


Is payroll affected?
Paychecks will be issued on schedule on Friday, June 1. If you have any questions or notice any inaccuracies on your paycheck, contact your Human Capital Services department liaison.


How do I apply leave and ask for time off work? 

Leave request forms are not working on the Human Capital Services website. Talk to your supervisor to request time off work or contact your Human Capital Services department liaison. 

At this time, Human Capital Services recommends using paper time documents to track time and leave for the current pay period unless a time tracking system becomes available.    

Leave request forms may be picked up at the Human Capital Services reception area in Edwards Hall.  

For questions, contact Human Capital Services at 785-532-6277.


How do I access other forms from Human Capital Services? 

You can access other forms on the Human Capital Services website at k-state.edu/hcs/forms/index.html

If you are unable to access any forms, stop by Edwards Hall to fill out a hard copy. For questions, contact Human Capital Services at 785-532-6277.


How do I order a parking pass?

The Parking Services website is working and parking passes can be ordered at k-state.edu/parking

For questions about ordering a parking pass, contact Parking Services at 785-532-7275 or parking@k-state.edu.


When will the library be accessible again?

Hale Library remains closed and there is no timeline yet for reopening. 

If you need to return interlibrary loan materials, please check them in at the Paul Weigel Library of Architecture, Planning & Design. Hale Library materials can be returned to Weigel Library or the Math/Physics Library. You can also return these materials to any of our book drops

For questions about returning library materials please email libhelp@k-state.edu.


What should I do if my password is expired?

You can try your most recent password before your current one, if you have it, and that may work. The Help Desk can assist in changing passwords. Please contact them at helpdesk@k-state.edu or 785-532-7722.


How do I conduct business with the Division of Finacial Services?
The Division of Financial Services is open for business but continues to experience IT system issues resulting from the fire at Hale Library. Find more information about how to conduct business with the division at http://www.k-state.edu/media/update/halelibrary/financialservices.html


How do I submit a job to University Printing?
While some technology services are limited, University Printing can receive and produce printing requests. Read the following instructions for submitting a job at http://www.k-state.edu/media/update/halelibrary/universityprinting.html.
We're here to help answer your questions!

How can we help?

Current or future students with questions also can call 785-532-1521.

Students can submit their questions through this online form.

We're here to help answer your questions!

How can we help?

Faculty and staff can submit their questions through this online form