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  6. »A letter from President Richard Myers

K-State Today

K-State News
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Dr North
Manhattan, KS 66506


A letter from President Richard Myers

Dear K-Staters,Myers walks though Hale.

Yesterday, we had our first walk-through of Hale Library since the fire. While there was plenty of smoke and water damage, I saw an opportunity for our university to build a stronger future.

Our land-grant ethos requires that we take setbacks in stride and continue to strive for growth and progress. The fire in Hale Library brought out the best in our family and community. City, county, state, military and other agencies had our backs, with firefighting, emergency management and support. A common theme from those who were on the scene was the remarkable cooperation by folks from 17 different organizations.

Together, they saved our library, the heart and soul of our university. Academics, student life, research and social interaction all converge in the heart of campus. Thank you to those who responded to save our historical building and its priceless contents. 

Even now, there are countless teams working to bring us back to full operational status. Our friends at the University of Kansas have been especially helpful with data recovery. We appreciate everyone's patience, be assured we will come back stronger than ever. Every event has lessons for the future; we can take many from this fire.

Helping students is our top priority. All current and future students may call 785-532-1521 to discuss any concerns or questions with our student life staff. We also have set up a frequently asked questions website in addition to the update webpage

Because this university and its people are resilient, I know we will continue to work hard to restore Hale Library to its full glory and be ready for students this fall.

Go Cats!

Richard B. Myers
Kansas State University

Additional information 

For updates about this situation, read the Hale Library fire update page