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Office of the Registrar

Office of the Registrar
118 Anderson Hall
919 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506–0114

Main Line: 785-532-3552

Phone Hours:
 Monday, Wednesday through Friday
 8:00-5:00 pm
 9:00-5:00 pm
E-mail: registrar@k-state.edu 


Walk-in Hours:
 Wildcat One Stop
 119 Anderson Hall
 Monday, Wednesday through Friday
 8:00-5:00 pm
 9:00-5:00 pm

Flex Time

Effective June 30, 2015

  1. Basic Work Parameters
    1. Human Resource Services
      1. Standard workday, generally, for each non-exempt employee will be eight hours and the standard workweek will be 40 hours during a given seven-day period (begins Sunday at 12:01a.m. through Sunday 12:00 midnight).
    2. Office of the Registrar
      1. A normal workweek for all full-time USS employees (exempt and non-exempt) is 40 hours, and typically 20 hours for part time USS employees, Monday – Friday.
      2. A break, up to 20 minutes, in the morning and in the afternoon each are allowed and recommended.
      3. Lunch breaks are 30-60 minutes in length and to occur between 11:00am-2:00pm.
      4. A full-time employee must work a minimum of 4 hours each day.
      5. If an employee is scheduled for more than an 8 hour day, e.g., 9 hours, and is absent all of that day due to annual leave, illness, etc., then 9 hours of absence must be recorded on the time sheet by the employee; the same requirement applies to anything less than an 8 hour day, e.g., 4 hours – then only 4 hours of absence for the entire day shall be recorded on the time sheet by the employee.
  2. Office of the Registrar Flex Time
    1. Guidelines
      1. The Office of the Registrar Flex Time Policy should not have a negative impact on our customers nor the Office of the Registrar coverage.
      2. All part-time and full-time USS employees are eligible to request Flex Time. Probationary and temporary employees are not eligible to use the Office of the Registrar Flex Time Policy.
      3. The policy’s intention is to allow all part-time and full-time USS employees to utilize the Office of the Registrar Flex Time Policy; officially designated backup employees could be asked to cover for someone in another work section so Flex Time could occur.
      4. The use of approved Office of the Registrar Flex Time Policy for some or all employees could be suspended during heavy work load periods for a section(s) or for the entire Office of the Registrar. Any or all Flex Time arrangements in the Office of the Registrar may be discontinued indefinitely if such circumstances warrant.
      5. Once an Employee’s Flex Time request for a particular Fall or Spring or Summer Period has been approved by the Office of the Registrar Administrators, it is assumed that the employee’s work schedule is set. If a need arises, the employee and her/his supervisor and/or an Administrator will discuss and approve a suspension or modification. Employees’ work schedules may be adjusted prior to the beginning of the week and notice should be given at least 5 days in advance.
      6. Flex Time will be in effect for three time periods
        1. Fall Period: Begins August 1, ends December 31
        2. Spring Period: Begins January 1, ends May 31
        3. Summer Period: Begins June 1, ends July 31
      7. Flex Time hours will occur from 7:00am to 6:00pm, Monday-Friday. The need for an area to be fully staffed from 8:00am to 5:00pm will be at the discretion of the Supervisor and/or Administrator. An employee scheduled to flex may have the flex privilege temporarily suspended, if another employee providing coverage is unexpectedly absent/sick/on vacation and if flexing would leave the area with no coverage. Such suspension would normally be short-term. Employees who flex are required to block off their calendar according to their flex schedule. (For example, if you leave at 3:30pm your calendar should indicate you are out from 3:30-5:00.) Time sheets should be filled out to reflect the employee’s flex schedule.
      8. Flex schedules during a holiday week should not be adjusted. Regardless of the employee’s schedule, they will be compensated for their normal hours they would have worked if it was not a holiday. Click here (link will take staff to scenarios)
      9. Flex/lunch schedules should not be adjusted for employees to avoid using sick or vacation leave.
    2. Request/Approval Process
      1. Approximately 7 weeks prior to the time in which a Flex Time Period would begin, employees should submit Flex Time requests to her/his immediate supervisor for review and preliminary approval. It is expected that the supervisor work with her/his employees to develop workable Flex Time requests that are acceptable to both the supervisor and the employees.
      2. Approximately 5-6 weeks prior to the time in which the Flex Time Period would begin, the Supervisors Group will discuss ALL requests and develop a comprehensive Flex Time plan that is workable and acceptable. The plan will include the employee names with their requested Flex Times. An Associate and Assistant Registrar will be part of the Supervisors Group when the Flex Time requests are discussed, a plan developed, recommended, and approved if requests from the Administrative Officer for Athletic Certification, or the Administrative Officer for DARS, or the Administrative Specialist for Administrators, have been submitted.
      3. The Chair of the Supervisors Group will submit their approved Flex Time plan as recommended to the Registrar for review and final approval.
      4. Approximately 4 weeks prior to the time in which the Flex Time Period would begin, Office of the Registrar Administrators will review, discuss, and approve, deny, or modify the Flex Time Plan.
      5. Approximately 3 weeks prior to the time in which the Flex Time Period would begin, the Registrar will notify office employees of the approved Flex Time requests.

Refer Office of the Registrar Flex Time Policy questions and comments to: Monty Nielsen

  • Revised: June 30, 2015
  • Revised: June 3, 2013
  • Revised: August 21, 2009
  • Revised: December 31, 2008 (Policy suspended.)
  • Revised: December 11, 1998