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Office of the Registrar

Office of the Registrar
118 Anderson Hall
919 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506–0114

Main Line: 785-532-3552

Phone Hours:
 Monday, Wednesday through Friday
 8:00-5:00 pm
 9:00-5:00 pm
E-mail: registrar@k-state.edu 


Walk-in Hours:
 Wildcat One Stop
 119 Anderson Hall
 Monday, Wednesday through Friday
 8:00-5:00 pm
 9:00-5:00 pm

Attendance/Call-in Procedures

In accordance with Chapter 4025 of K-State Policies and Procedure Manual the following has been established for call-in procedures for Classified, Unclassified and Student employees of the Office of the Registrar. Important points outlined in the university policy are italicized below.

As a condition of employment, employees are expected to report for duty at the assigned time and place and to remain on duty during scheduled work hours. Employees are also expected to accurately report hours worked and leave taken.

In any situation where an employee is unable to report or may be delayed in arriving for work at the assigned time and place, the employee must contact the immediate supervisor or other designated person prior to or at the start of the scheduled work shift. Except in the most unusual situations, the employee is expected to make the call personally, provide a projected length of absence, and explain reasons for the absence or lateness. When absence is necessary, the employee must contact the supervisor before each scheduled shift unless the absence is approved in advance by the supervisor. The employee must also obtain supervisory authorization to leave the work site during a scheduled shift.

  • All employees should notify their supervisor prior to their work shift.
  • If the immediate supervisor is not available at the time of the notification, the information will be forwarded to another Office of the Registrar supervisor. In the absence of another supervisor, the staff member receiving notification will act as "other designated person".
  • Notification received by immediate supervisor:
    1. E-mail office distribution list that staff member will not be in. (For student employees, notify appropriate section personnel only).
    2. Check calendar to see if meetings/work assignments need to be changed; initiate appropriate follow-up.
  • Notification received by employee other than immediate supervisor:
    1. Collect name, explanation, projected length of absence, and any other information that was given by the caller.
    2. E-mail office distribution list that staff member will not be in. (For student employees, notify immediate supervisor only.)
    3. E-mail supervisor the details of who, explanation, and length of absence. This information does not need to be shared with the entire office.
    4. Supervisor checks calendar to see if meetings/work assignments need to be changed; initiate appropriate follow-up.

Supervisors are responsible for reviewing the above policy with their staff. Provide a phone number to call to report the absence at start of business day, as well as a phone number staff may call/text outside of business hours.

Revised: May 2014