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Office of the Registrar

Office of the Registrar
118 Anderson Hall
919 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506–0114

Main Line: 785-532-3552

Phone Hours:
 Monday, Wednesday through Friday
 8:00-5:00 pm
 9:00-5:00 pm
E-mail: registrar@k-state.edu 


Walk-in Hours:
 Wildcat One Stop
 119 Anderson Hall
 Monday, Wednesday through Friday
 8:00-5:00 pm
 9:00-5:00 pm

Comments/Remarks on a Student Academic Transcript

The purpose of transcript remarks is to communicate degree related information and selective university‐based academic achievements and honors. An established process exists for adding transcript remarks that must be recommended by the Academic Department and College Dean’s Office and approved by the Office of the Registrar.

General Provisions

All remarks that are approved require individual units to propose new transcript remarks using the following procedures. A master list of all approved remarks is maintained by the University Registrar.

The procedures and instructions shown below apply to programs that seek to establish academic remarks as part of the process for establishing official majors (plan/sub-plan) or certificate programs. References in the curriculum proposals about a required transcript comment must follow the procedures below as comments are not created based on the curriculum proposal. Minors are not eligible for academic remarks. 

If the remark is not attached to a specific trigger in KSIS (i.e., conferral of a specific plan/sub-plan code, common course registration, etc...) the comment will not be automated and will require manual tracking and notification to the Office of the Registrar.

Transcript Comment/Remark Types
Approval Procedures

Individual units may propose new transcript remarks subject to the following stipulations:

  1. The remark must communicate degree-related information, or recognize selective university-based academic achievements and honors.  See Below for criteria established to guide the University Community concerning what remarks are appropriate for transcript remarks. Negative remarks are not permitted.
  2. Depending on the location of the remark (course, term or degree related) will depend on the character limitation which can range from 45-150 characters.
  3. The word 'distinction' may be used only to recognize academic achievement. For other activities, words such as 'recognition' or 'excellence in...' should be used.
Instructions and Proceses for Proposing a New Comment/Remark
  1. Complete the Request for Comment/Remark on K-State Student Academic Transcript form
  2. Have form reviewed and signed by the College Dean's Office 
  3. Send completed form to the Office of the Registrar (registrar@ksu.edu) for review and approval
  4. The Office of the Registrar confirms the effective term and informs all parties when the remark is available and next steps on how to engage with the office for adding the comment.