Faculty and Staff
Calhoun, Cheryl
Professor of Practice Areas of interest: Addiction counseling, global social work, grant writing, homelessness, persons involved in the legal system |
Jun, Jung Sim (Sim Jun)
Associate Professor Areas of interest: Older adults, social connectedness, health disparities, technology use, global social work |
Kremer, Kristen
Director of Field Education & Social Work Program Coordinator Areas of interest: Adolescent well-being, mental health, incarcerated people, child welfare |
Kurtz, Don
Professor & Department Head Areas of interest: Juvenile justice, police, delinquency, informal social control, narrative criminology |
Marseline, Deb
Associate Director of Field Education Areas of interest: Child welfare, social justice |
Ollington, David
Academic Advisor |
Scott-Hall, Merta
Instructor Areas of interest: Child welfare, adoption, reintegration |