January 23, 2014
Introduction to Supervision begins Feb. 4
The Introduction to Supervision course, coordinated by the Division of Human Resources, provides new supervisors with practical leadership skills and an increased awareness of university policies and procedures. Topics covered are:
* Respect in the workplace for supervisors
* Interviewing and selecting
* Sexual harassment awareness for supervisors
* Benefits and authorizing leave
* Writing position descriptions
* Conflict management, difficult conversations and critical incident response
* Evaluating classified work performance and coaching
* Discipline and absenteeism.
Supervisors of state classified employees and lead workers are invited to attend, including faculty and unclassified staff who supervise classified staff. This program is mandated by the state of Kansas and Kansas State University for all classified supervisory personnel who must complete the program within the first six months of the original appointment in order to be granted permanent status.
For the complete schedule, go to the Training Web page.
You may enroll through HRIS Self Enrollment or email training@k-state.edu.
If you choose email, indicate:
1) Your name, department and employee ID number
2) The course title, number, WTD077, and session, No. 33; or you can enroll in individual sessions.